Practice the summation notation.
Order of operations:
- Parathesis
- Exponents/Square roots
- Multiple/Divide
- Add/Subtract
All the statistics for our purposes is based on two concepts: centrality and spread.
Centrality: (aka Central tendency)
- Mode (used for categorical data from nominal data or frequency data) - most frequently occuring value. (bi-modal, multi-modal, amodal - no mode, constant scores)
- Median (used for ordinal data or ranked data) - know as 50th percentile or half the scores above and half below. For even number of cases, take the mean of the two middle scores.
- Mean (used for scale data or equal interval data) - sum of scores / number of cases
Properties of the mean:
- Sum of the deviation about the mean: sum of (x-mean) = 0
- Square of sum of (x - mean) is a minimum. The actual mean will bring this equation to the lowest answer. If you substitute the mean with any other number, the equation will give you a greater answer.
- Grand mean is not a mean of means. It is calculated based on weighting (due to sample size of each sample mean) Grand mean = (n1*mean1 + n2*mean1)/n1+n2
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