Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Library Instruction

Subject matter librarians are there to help with organizing your dissertation as well as proof reading and forming strategies about focus and breadth.

ProQuest is a database that stores all of the published dissertations. Find a similar topic to see what their literature review says.

RefWorks is free through the library. This will easily store references and create bibliographies using a write and cite download for Word.

ERIC tools to use:
  1. Thesaurus (helps you find the right search terms...don't waste time on bad search terms)
  2. Search history (keep your search histories - search box text)

Indicators of scholarliness:

  1. Peer reviewed.
  2. Who publishes it?
  3. Covers the topic you are searching for.

How far back should you go in time?

  1. Include enough history to nod to the foundations
  2. Stay modern to show currentness

Identifying gaps in the research:

  1. Look for places where it says, "research says or studies show", look at the parameters and then look at a different body or tweek the parameters.
  2. Look for un-answered questions - "this study failed to show...future studies should..."
  3. Reading along and you have a question on your own that didn't get answered. Article leaves you with questions.
  4. Any rejections by the author that are maybe shouldn't be rejected yet.

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